The Importance of Segmenting Your Email List for Better Engagement

Email List

Think about how you’d react if your business started attracting 33% more customers. You’d be overjoyed, and maybe in disbelief at your newfound success.

Well, a recent study showed that 1 in 3 consumers have bought something from a company after receiving an email from that company. Email is a big boost to business, but only if you know what you’re doing.

One reason marketers love email is the fact that you can segment your email lists. You might have one email list for new customers and another list for repeat customers. You may segment your email lists based on demographic data, or based on who clicked on an earlier email.

The possibilities for email segmentation are endless. The article below highlights the importance of segmenting your email list for better engagement. Continue reading to learn more about email marketing.

Improved Personalization

Segmenting email lists requires that you have some knowledge about your customers. You might know which products or services they’ve purchased from you in the past.

If you do, you can send them an email when a similar product comes out. Maybe you know where they work or what part of the country they live in. If so, you can send personalized emails that mention location-specific promotions or marketing messages.

The more you can segment customers into specific lists, the easier it will be to send emails that resonate with your target audience.

Better Deliverability

You never want customers to mark your emails as spam. When that happens, it makes it less likely that your emails get delivered to people’s inboxes in the future.

One good way to avoid this issue is by personalizing your emails using segmentation. When customers feel like the email was meant for them, and not just sent as a mass email, they’ll be less likely to mark the email as spam.

If you look at any list of email tips, you’ll find that you can also improve deliverability by using contact names in your email. This approach will make customers more likely to open your emails and less likely to ignore them as junk.

Relationship Building

Building a loyal customer base is important for any business. If you can get repeat customers, you can bolster your revenue without having to attract new customers.

When you create an email list, think about how you’ll write well-crafted emails that the customers on the list will appreciate. That’s how you build strong customer relationships and earn repeat business.

Email segmentation allows you to talk to existing customers differently than you talk to potential customers. Your existing customers will appreciate that you acknowledge the fact that they’ve already spent their hard-earned money with your company.

Segmenting Your Email List

This email guide should help you get better at sending personalized, targeted emails. If you can get the right demographic or sales data from your email list, you’ll be able to boost engagement and enjoy more revenue. When you’re ready to move forward with creating a segmented email list, contact the experts at The SMB Hub.

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Josh Wendt

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