When it comes to the world of content marketing, there are many ways to go. Across the internet, plenty of social media gurus for branded content preach their method as king.
But what really works?
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what technique you use as long as it works. Storytelling is one of the best ways to market, no matter what sort of content you can make. You can incorporate it into almost any ad.
This article will walk you through the power of storytelling in content marketing.
Human beings are naturally attracted to stories. Studies have shown that new parts of the brain are enacted when a human being listens to or sees a story unfold. They’re one of the key ways we relate to other human beings.
As our world moves on and people become more and more jaded with brands, the ones that stand out will be the ones that come across as real people; that don’t seem cold and distant but discuss people directly as people.
One of the best ways to do this is to tell stories. This takes your brand and product/service outside of the abstract realm of ideas, and outside of the traditional function world of “use” and into how your product/service can be worked into their life and improve them as a person.
Think of your brand as not just a brand — but as a character.
Apple is a great example of this. They view themselves as a member of the masses, and want to help people as much as possible. They famously keep things very simple.
This becomes very clear in their branding. Apple stores are big open spaces where everyone is visible and employees wear t-shirts.
Phones and laptops are famously sleek, and minimally designed. Even their logo is minimalistic.
When you understand the character your brand occupies, it’s easy to figure out the story you want to tell.
Your brand doesn’t need to come up with one story for their content marketing. In fact, creating great narratives should be something you do regularly.
Hire a great content marketing team to help you produce these stories. They might do this through blog content, video content, or more visual storytelling mediums.
The point is — sometimes it helps to leave it to professionals to create great marketing content.
As you can see, the world of content marketing is full of storytelling. If you want your brand to take off, follow Apple’s example and create a character for your brand, and use storytelling to take that character to new places.
At the end of the day, content marketing is all about relating to people. What better way to relate than stories?
For more information on content marketing, contact us today.
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